Parish Assembly Invitation
Northway Parish Council | Local News | Parish Assembly Invitation
Published: 16 February 2023
You are invited to take part in the Northway Parish Council Parish Assembly.
It will be held at Northway Community Hub & Parish Office, Lee Walk, Northway on Wednesday, 29th March 2023 commencing at 7.30pm.
Under the Chairmanship of Cllr John Roberts (Chairman of the Parish Council).
The Parish Meeting may, by law, discuss all parish affairs and pass resolutions about them. The following matters have so far been placed on the Agenda:-
- Apologies for absence.
- Presentation – Age UK (including plans for a Walking Group)
- Approval of Minutes of last Parish Assembly.
- Chairman’s Address and Certificate Presentation.
- Reports from the various Committees and Working Parties of the Council.
- Reports from various organisations within the Parish.
- Other matters raised by electors for discussion at the meeting.